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Transform Your Smile: The Comprehensive Guide to Dental Veneers

August 9, 2023

Feeling uncomfortable about your teeth can have a huge impact on your everyday interactions, affecting your confidence and overall quality of life. Whether it's discolored, darkened, chipped, missing, or unevenly spaced teeth causing you distress, Densley Dental in Henderson has the perfect solution - dental veneers.

Dental veneers are a type of restorative treatment that can simultaneously address your teeth’s size, shape, color, and spacing issues. With this powerful solution, we're committed to helping you achieve a smile you can proudly show off to the world.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are thin pieces of custom-made, highly durable porcelain or resin composite materials. They are meticulously shaped to resemble your teeth and are then bonded to the front surface. The result? A significant enhancement to your teeth's appearance by altering their shade, shape, and size. With veneers, you can finally achieve the smile you've always dreamt of.

How We Transform Your Smile at Densley Dental

At Densley Dental, your journey to a radiant smile through porcelain veneers takes place over the course of three visits:

1. The initial visit includes a thorough consultation with Dr. Sidhu or Dr. Densley. We will take time to understand what you like and dislike about your teeth and discuss how you would like them to look. This visit may include taking x-rays and making impressions of your teeth.

2. During your second visit, we will prepare your teeth for the veneers by removing some enamel and buffing the surface. We will make a model or mold of your teeth and send it to our in-house laboratory that will construct your veneers. While you wait for your permanent veneers, we'll fit you with temporary ones.

3. Your final visit is where the magic happens. Once your permanent veneers are ready, we'll bond them to your existing teeth, perfecting your smile.

At the end of your last visit, we take the time to educate you on how to best care for your beautiful new smile, so you can feel more confident than ever before.


  • How much do veneers cost? The price for veneers varies according to the extent of the procedure. At Densley Dental, we will work with you to find an affordable option that's right for you.
  • Are press-on veneers effective? Press-on veneers can be temporarily effective for correcting some tooth imperfections, but it can be challenging to find a perfect fit. However, they do not address or resolve underlying oral health issues.
  • How long do veneers last? Porcelain veneers are incredibly durable and can last up to 20 years or more if cared for properly.

Experience the Densley Dental Difference

We take pride in offering the most comprehensive, comfortable, and cutting-edge care for our patients in Henderson and Las Vegas. Our advanced dental technology, such as iTero scanners, UV sterilization, and CT machines, ensure you receive the highest standard of care.

Interested in learning more about dental veneers or ready to schedule a consultation with our Henderson cosmetic dentists? Call us today at (702) 602-6401. Densley Dental is your first step towards achieving your perfect smile.

And for those of you who want an extra sparkle in your smile, we also offer diamond-studded veneers, recently popularized by Post Malone.

At Densley Dental, your perfect smile is our top priority! Let us guide you on your journey towards the best Henderson veneers you can find.

8955 S Pecos Rd Ste 2AHenderson, NV 89074

Contact Us (702) 602-6401

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